Aashiqui is a musical romantic drama. The movie follows the story of an aspiring singer, Rahul (Rahul Roy), who gets arrested for breaking the windows of the wedding car of his father, who married another woman, when his first wife is alive. He meets a girl named Anu (Anu Aggarwal) in the jail, who lives in a girls’ hostel, and instantly feels a connection with her. He learns that Anu is an orphan, so he helps Anu to grow in her career and become self reliant, and soon she becomes a successful model. The two wish to get married, but Rahul’s mother (Reema Lagoo) suggests they not get married until Rahul is as successful as Anu. Will Rahul ever be able to reach the height of success where Anu is?
Movie Profile
Release Date
17 Aug 1990
Synopsis :
Star Cast