Aulad is a family drama. The movie follows the story of a young man named Anand (Jeetendra), who falls in love with a street dancer Devki (Sridevi), and marries her. They meet another newly married couple, Yashoda (Jaya Prada) and Vicky (Vinod Mehra), and become friends with them. Devki delivers a baby boy and names him Krishna, meanwhile Yashoda is pregnant. Things take a complicated turn, when Devki goes missing and is nowhere to be found. On the other hand, Vicky dies in an accident and out of shock, Yashoda has a miscarriage. Anand feels bad for Yashoda and to keep her going, he gives his baby to Yashoda. However, after some time Devki returns and Anand faces a dilemma as the truth about her child may leave Devki saddened. Will Devki be able to bear the separation from her only child?
Movie Profile
Release Date
17 Apr 1987
Synopsis :
Star Cast