Bhediya is a horror comedy thriller that is based on popular folklore and inspired by fairy tales and legends from Arunachal Pradesh. The story revolves around Bhaskar (Varun Dhawan), a Delhi-based contractor who is given a contract to build a road in a small town in Arunachal Pradesh that runs through a jungle. Despite facing opposition from the locals Bhaskar accidentally gets bitten by a wolf in the jungle and starts behaving in a peculiar manner that disturbs his friends. On noticing this change in his behaviour Bhaskar consults a local vet doctor named Dr. Anika (Kriti Sanon) who is also left confused as to why he gets transformed into a werewolf on full moon nights and attacks the locals. Is the werewolf a figment of Bhaskar’s imagination or is there really something alarming before the locals hunt him down or that there's a message trying to be conveyed through Bhaskar’s transformed physicality?
Movie Profile
Release Date
25 Nov 2022
, , ,
2 hrs 36 mins
Synopsis :
Star Cast
Jio Studios, Maddock Films
Domestic Box Office Collection (Crores INR)