Bol is a social thriller drama. The movie revolves around a Muslim family living in Pakistan. Zainab (Humaima Malick) lives with her parents and six sisters. Her father Hakim (Manzar Sahbai) wanted a son to help him with the financial situations of the family. One of his children, Saifi (Amr Kashmiri), is intersex. Hakim hates Saifi and refuses to accept him, which creates a conflict in the family. Zainab’s mother keeps giving birth to dead babies, as Hakim wants a son. Zainab arranges for a tubal ligation for her, which makes Hakim furious. The family falls apart when Hakim marries another woman in order to have a son. However, he again has a daughter. The movie ends with the question, ‘Why is only killing sin and giving birth without any family planning, not a sin?’
Movie Profile
Release Date
31 Aug 2011
2 hrs 45 mins
Synopsis :
Star Cast
Eros International