Imaandaar is an action romantic drama. The movie revolves around an orphan named Raju (Sanjay Dutt), who lives with his foster mother, Amina (Shammi) and foster brother, Vijay (Rohan Kapoor). Raju helps Vijay to pay for his education fees and sends him to London. In London, Vijay meets Rai Sahab (Pran), a businessman, however, before the two could know each other well, Rai Sahab is forced to return to India for his daughter Renu (Farha Naaz). Renu is in love with Kailash (Sumeet Saigal) and wants to marry him. However, things take a turn when Rai Sahab realizes that Kailash is the son of Singhania (Ranjeet), a businessman who once betrayed him, and now is posing to be someone else. How Raju and Vijay help Rai Sahab make things right for his family forms the rest of the plot.
Movie Profile
Release Date
03 Apr 1987
Synopsis :
Star Cast