Kathal: A Jackfruit Mystery is a crime comedy-drama based on true events that revolve around a local politician Munnalal Pateria (Vijay Raaz) whose prized jackfruits go missing from his tree because he had planned to make a pickle out of it and gift it to his Chief Minister in return for a cabinet seat. A young adamant lady police officer named Mahima Basor (Sanya Malhotra) is called in to solve this bizarre case but later realizes there's another angle to it that has led to the theft.
Movie Profile
Kathal: A Jackfruit Mystery
Release Date
19 May 2023
, ,
1 hrs 55 mins
Synopsis :
Star Cast
Balaji Telefilms Ltd., Sikhya Entertainment Pvt. Ltd.
Domestic Box Office Collection (Crores INR)