Kyun! Ho Gaya Na… is a romantic drama. The movie revolves around Diya (Aishwarya Rai), an intelligent university student, and Arjun (Vivek Oberoi), a free-spirited boy. Diya and Arjun have different views on love and life, which makes the two dislike each other at first. However, when they spend an increasing amount of time with each other, they start developing feelings for one another. Diya, who strongly believes in love and marriage, professes her true feelings to Arjun, who reluctantly denies loving her. This leaves her heartbroken. However, Arjun soon realizes his feelings for Diya and feels guilty about his actions. He goes to Diya in hopes of reconciling with her. Will Diya accept and apologize to Arjun or will it be the end of their love story?
Movie Profile
Kyun! Ho Gaya Na...
Release Date
13 Aug 2004
Synopsis :
Star Cast