Main, Meri Patni… Aur Woh! is a romantic comedy-drama. The movie revolves around a short middle-aged man named Mithilesh (Rajpal Yadav), who is very insecure about his height and personality. He marries a beautiful girl named Veena (Rituparna Sengupta), and wonders why a girl like her married a man of his height and personality. As the marriage progresses, Mithilesh’s insecurities grow despite Veena’s care and love for him. He grows extremely jealous of people whom he thinks are infatuated by his wife and always is in fear that Veena wants a divorce. Will Mithilesh ever be able to overcome his insecurities and suspicion, as they might become the real reason for the havoc in his married life?
Movie Profile
Main, Meri Patni... Aur Woh!
Release Date
07 Oct 2005
Synopsis :
Star Cast