Majaal is a romantic drama. The movie follows the story of an orphan named Vijay Kumar (Jeetendra), who grows under the care of an advocate, Kailashnath Chaudhary (Kader Khan), and becomes a lawyer just like him. Later, he marries Sadhana (Sridevi), Kailashnath’s daughter. However, whenever Vijay tries to make a decision for himself or tries to improve in his career, he is discouraged by his wife and father-in-law. Things take a turn, when a woman named Sandhya (Jaya Prada) enters their life, and Vijay is so drawn to her that he is ready to even walk out of his marriage. Will Sadhana be able to realize her mistake and do something to save her married life?
Movie Profile
Release Date
24 Apr 1987
Synopsis :
Star Cast