Mere Sajana Saath Nibhana is a musical romantic drama. The movie revolves around a young man named Kanhaiya (Mithun Chakraborty), who sings in weddings, anniversaries, birthdays and other occasions to earn money. He lives a poor lifestyle with his mother in a village. Chanchal (Shantipriya), the daughter of Thakur Raghubir falls in love with Kanhaiya, but she is forced to marry Ranjit, son of Thakur Pratap (Prem Chopra). Later, Kanhaiya meets Janki (Juhi Chawla), mistress of Thakur Pratap, and decides to save her. However, will Kanhaiya be able to fight the powerful Thakur?
Movie Profile
Mere Sajana Saath Nibhana
Release Date
07 Feb 1992
Synopsis :
Star Cast