Namastey London is a romantic musical comedy. The movie revolves around Jasmeet (Katrina Kaif), a young NRI who lives in London along with her parents, and Arjun (Akshay Kumar), a young Indian who resides in a small Indian village in Punjab. Jasmeet’s father wants her to marry an Indian man but she has other plans. She turns down the Indian boys her father chooses for her. Jasmeet’s father then decides to arrange a trip to India. During the trip, he forces her to marry Arjun, who can’t even speak English. When they return to London, Jasmeet announces her intentions to marry her British boyfriend, Charlie Brown. What will Arjun do, will Jasmeet accept Arjun or go on to marry her boyfriend?
Movie Profile
Namastey London
Release Date
23 Mar 2007
Synopsis :
Star Cast