Paa is a family drama that follows the story of a 12-year-old boy Auro (Amitabh Bachchan), who is suffering from the genetic disorder of progeria, a rare disorder that leads to acceleration in aging in children. Auro lives with his mother Vidya (Vidya Balan). Auro meets a young politician Amol Atre (Abhishek Bachchan), who visits his school on the occasion of a competition ‘visionary of India’'. Auro learns that Amol is his father who abandoned him and his mother, as he wasn’t ready for a child. It is Auro’s 13th birthday and he is on his deathbed, Amol finds out that he is Auro’s father. Amol still loves Vidya and is guilty of his actions. However, will Auro forgive his father?
Movie Profile
Release Date
04 Dec 2009
Synopsis :
Star Cast
Domestic Box Office Collection (Crores INR)