Parwana is an action romantic drama. The movie follows the story of a small-time thief Parwana (Ajay Devgn), who lives in Mumbai. Shahtaj (Sharat Saxena), a member of Jihad group, plans to carry out a terrorist attack in Mumbai, along with his men, during the Ganesh Visarjan day. However, Parwana robs the bag containing the bomb from Shahtaj’s men. Shortly after the robbery, Parwana is arrested by Police and seeing the contents of the bag, he is held for interrogation. Somehow, Parwana escapes, but the police release the manhunt for Parwana, while Shahtaj and his men come together to track Parwana down. In midst of all the troubles, will Parwana be able to bring down the tag of terrorist from his name?
Movie Profile
Release Date
12 Sep 2003
Synopsis :
Star Cast