Phooli revolves around a young girl named Phooli (Riya Baluni/Suruchi Saklani), who is motherless and her drunkard father makes her work instead of studying and pursuing her dreams. Despite doing well in school she is often made to work to earn a living and feed her useless father. Phooli feels helpless when one fine day a magician, Mahendra Sarkar (Avinash Dhyani) enters her life to help her overcome her situation and motivate her to excel in her studies. The magician’s guidance helps her deal with situations and eventually makes her top her exams to become an IPS officer.
Movie Profile
Release Date
07 Jun 2024
1 hrs 48 mins
Synopsis :
Star Cast
Dream Sky Creations, Padma Siddhi Films, Alaska Motion Pictures
Domestic Box Office Collection (Crores INR)