Popcorn Khao Mast Ho Jao is a romantic comedy-drama. The movie revolves around three college friends – Rahul (Akshay Kapoor), Tanya (Tanisha), and Goldie (Yash Tonk). The three friends are stuck in the love triangle, where Goldie loves Tanya and Tanya loves Rahul. Things get further complicated with the entry of a new student in their college, Sonia (Rashmi Nigam). Rahul falls in love with Sonia. All the friends continue with their studies, but avoid confessing their feelings for one another. What does destiny hold for them? Will they find their true love in the midst of all confusion?
Movie Profile
Popcorn Khao Mast Ho Jao
Release Date
01 Oct 2004
Synopsis :
Star Cast
Pritish Nandy Communications