Pyar Mein Thoda Twist is a romantic action-comedy drama set near a town in Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh. The story revolves around Dheeraj Thakur (Mukesh J. Bharti) a local young man who falls in love with Maya (Richa Mukherjee) who is the daughter of Jagatram (Atul Srivastava). Maya’s and Dheeraj’s families are known for their old rivalry and feuds. Despite knowing each other’s family enmity, the young couple cooks up a plan to convince their respective fathers until a twist awaits them in the form of Jwala Singh aka Mr. Wanted who is wanted by the local police. How does the life of the couple change after Jwala Singh's aka Mr. Wanted entry and how Dheeraj and Maya are able to convince their rival families for marriage, forms the climax of this interesting tale?
Movie Profile
Pyar Mein Thoda Twist
Release Date
18 Feb 2022
, , ,
2 hrs 8 mins
Synopsis :
Star Cast
, Vivek Films Production House
Domestic Box Office Collection (Crores INR)