Rosy Ma'am I Love You is a romantic drama that follows the story of James (Siddhesh Rawle), a young boy who lives along with his parents and goes to school. When Teacher Rozy Ma'am (Priya Mishra) joins the school, James is infatuated and develops feelings for her. However, his innocent crush leads to unexpected trouble and complicates his life when he gets to know that Rozy ma'am is engaged and is all set to marry her fiance. Despite this, Rozy Ma'am empathizes with James's situation and helps him find a solution but is it too late?
Movie Profile
Rosy Maam I Love You
Release Date
26 Apr 2024
2 hrs 8 mins
Synopsis :
Star Cast
Woh Wali Film, Atrangii Network Pvt. Ltd.
Domestic Box Office Collection (Crores INR)