Sainik is an action drama. The movie follows the story of an army officer named Suraj Dutt (Akshay Kumar), son of Yashpal Dutt (Anupam Kher). Suraj manages to successfully stop the drug dealing on the border, and come home to meet his family consisting of his father and sister Mini. He meets Alka (Ashwini Bhave), and the two instantly fall in love with each other and soon get married. One day, he comes across Pankaj and recognizes him as the man involved in the drug dealing and gets him behind the bars. Soon after, he returns to his duty, but gets killed on one of his missions. The news of his death leaves his father devastated, but he tries to hide it from Suraj’s sister and wife. How will they react when they learn the truth?
Movie Profile
Release Date
10 Sep 1993
Synopsis :
Star Cast