Souten Ki Beti is a family drama. The movie follows the story of a casanova, Dr. Shyam (Jeetendra), who meets an airhostess, Radha (Rekha), and under the influence of alcohol, the two get intimate. Shyam forgets about Radha and marries another girl named Rukmini (Jaya Prada). Meanwhile, Radha finds out that she is pregnant. She leaves her job and relocates to Kashmir and gives birth to a girl, Dolly (Dipniti). Years later, Shyam meets Radha and finds out about his daughter. When Rukmini sees the connection between the two, she understands the truth too. Will Rukmini sacrifice her love for the happiness of Shyam?
Movie Profile
Souten Ki Beti
Release Date
07 Jul 1989
Synopsis :
Star Cast