Suhaag is an action-comedy drama. The movie revolves around two college friends – Ajay (Ajay Devgn) and Raj (Akshay Kumar), who are famous in their college for pranking each other and others. Raj belongs to a wealthy family, in which Ajay lives with his widow mother. After graduating, Raj’s uncle suggests Ajay to get a passport and find a job in Canada. Ajay returns home to find his birth certificate for his passport, when he finds out that his real name is Ajay Malhotra, son of Dr. Ravi Malhotra. He even learns that his father is alive and is serving his time in jail for stealing his patient’s organ. Is it still to find, how Ajay copes with this newly learnt information that his mother hid from him all his life?
Movie Profile
Release Date
04 Nov 1994
Synopsis :
Star Cast
Domestic Box Office Collection (Crores INR)