Tujhe Meri Kasam is a romantic drama. The movie revolves around two childhood friends Rishi (Riteish Deshmukh) and Anju (Genelia D’Souza). Since childhood, the two have been inseparable and now theygo to the same college. Akash (Raja Bherwani), a talented singer in their college, develops feelings for Anju and the two start to spend time together. This makes Rishi badly miss Anju. He soon realises that he loves Anju. Meanwhile, Akash proposes to Anju, and her parents agree to arrange for their marriage. However, situations make her realise that she is not in love with Akash, and she would rather be with Rishi. Will Rishi be able to overcome the hesitation and confess his feelings? Will Anju realise that there is something more than friendship between her and Rishi?
Movie Profile
Tujhe Meri Kasam
Release Date
03 Jan 2003
Synopsis :
Star Cast