Apmaan Ki Aag is an action comedy drama. The movie revolves around a young boy named Vikrant Narayan Singh (Govinda), who lives in a Chawl in Dongri, Bombay, and dreams of making it big in the city. He falls in love with Mona (Sonam), the daughter of widower and retired Colonel Suryadev Singh (Kader Khan). One day, he gets assaulted by J. D. Chaudhary (Gulshan Grover) and Monty Nagpal (Gulshan Grover), and later files a police complaint against them. It is this moment that turns his life upside down. He is distanced from Mona, and soon after is forced to take up the path of crime. Will Vikrant be able to mend his ways and get back with Mona?
Movie Profile
Apmaan Ki Aag
Release Date
21 Dec 1990
Synopsis :
Star Cast