Bekaraar is a romantic drama that follows the story of a young man named Shyam (Sanjay Dutt), who falls in love with a young woman named Sundari (Padmini Kohlapure), who goes to the same college as him. After one college party, the two end up getting intimidated, and Shyam confesses his love for her. However, when he decides to get married to her, his brother rejects the match, and instead forces him to get married to Nisha (Supriya Pathak). On the other hand, Sundari is pregnant with Shyam’s child and decides to commit suicide after learning about Shyam’s wedding. Will Shyam be able to make things right for him, Sundari and Nisha, and take the right step to safeguard everyone’s life?

Movie Profile
Release Date
19 Aug 1983
Synopsis :
Star Cast