Binny And Family is a family drama that explores the journey of two generations revolving around Binny (Anjini Dhawan), a rebellious teenage girl who lives in London along with her parents. Binny's conservative grandparents come to visit her in London from a small town in Bihar. Seeing Binny's way of living and behaving upsets her grandparents, as the two are poles apart and don't agree on anything. But soon a dramatic incident necessitates them coming together. Can they become friends and make a difference in each other’s lives?
Movie Profile
Binny And Family
Release Date
27 Sep 2024
, ,
2 hrs 20 mins
Synopsis :
Star Cast
Balaji Telefilms Ltd., Mahaveer Jain Films, Waveband Productions, Newcomers Initiative
Domestic Box Office Collection (Crores INR)