C Kkompany is a comedy-drama that revolves around three individuals Akshay Kumar (Tusshar Kapoor), Mr. Joshi (Anupam Kher), and Lambodar Jha (Rajpal Yadav), who share a common need for money. The three share a good bond and share their problems. Mr. Joshi wants to get INR 1 Crore from his son as he spent that amount raising him, Akshay wants money to elope with his lover and start a new life, and Lambodhar wants money to start his own business. They decide to extort INR 1 Crore from Joshi’s son by claiming to be from a large gang called C Kkompany. Soon, they are mired in the spiral of events that threatens their situation.
Movie Profile
C Kkompany
Release Date
29 Aug 2008
Synopsis :
Star Cast