Daata is an action drama. The movie follows the story of a school-teacher named Dinanath (Saeed Jaffrey), who lives with his family and has published a book called ‘Daata’, which covers every religion of the world, and is honored by the government of India. Dinanath arranges his daughter Shanti’s marriage with the son of Gopaldas (Amrish Puri), but he is unable to afford the dowry, so Gopaldas cancels the wedding. Shanti commits suicide and Dinanath gets the heart attack and dies, and soon after his name is tarnished. Kundan (Mithun Chakraborty), Dinanath’s son, is devastated and vows to take the revenge from Gopaldas for destroying his family. Will Kundan succeed in setting the score right with Gopaldas?
Movie Profile
Release Date
30 Jun 1989
Synopsis :
Star Cast