Do Dooni Chaar is a family comedy-drama. The movie revolves around a middle-class Punjabi family – Santosh Duggal (Rishi Kapoor) – a high school mathematics teacher, his wife Kusum (Neetu Singh) – a housewife, his college-going daughter Payal (Aditi Vasudev) and his school-going son Sandeep (Archit Krishna). The family lives in a one-bedroom apartment in Delhi but wish to improve their living standard by buying a car. However, with limited income, the task seems nearly impossible when Santosh is advised to accept a bribe from one of his students’ fathers to pass him in Maths subject. Does Santosh accept the offer and go for a new car with that money?
Movie Profile
Do Dooni Chaar
Release Date
08 Oct 2010
, ,
1 hrs 52 mins
Synopsis :
Star Cast
Walt Disney Pictures
Domestic Box Office Collection (Crores INR)