Humko Tumse Pyaar Hai is a romantic musical drama. The movie revolves around Durga (Ameesha Patel), a blind girl who lives with her widowed mother in a village. Her life changes when she meets Rohit (Arjun Rampal). The two fall in love with each other and Rohit takes her to the hospital for her surgery to regain eyesight. Durga gains her eyesight but is devastated when she learns Rohit was killed by a goon. Later, she meets Raj Malhotra (Bobby Deol), a businessman, who falls in love with Durga and proposes to her for marriage. Things go haywire when Durga learns that Rohit is still alive.
Movie Profile
Humko Tumse Pyaar Hai
Release Date
24 Feb 2006
Synopsis :
Star Cast