Kucch Luv Jaisa is a romance comedy. The movie revolves around Madhu Saxena (Shefali Shah), a caring housewife and mother. Madhu is upset with her husband for forgetting her birthday as it is on 29th February, which comes only once every four years. She decides to distract herself by going shopping. She encounters Raghav (Rahul Bose) in the mall. She thinks Raghav is a private detective and is working on a case, but he is a criminal who is running from the police. The two spend time with each other and get attracted to each other. However, things take a turn when Madhu realizes the truth.
Movie Profile
Kucch Luv Jaisaa
Release Date
27 May 2011
, , ,
1 hrs 45 mins
Synopsis :
Star Cast
Sunshine Pictures Pvt. Ltd
Domestic Box Office Collection (Crores INR)