Love Is Forever is a romantic thriller that revolves around Simran Chopra (Karnika Mandal) and Rohit Mehra (Ruslan Mumtaz), who are childhood friends and destined to marry with their families blessings. The young couple's happiness is short lived when a series of tragic events strike them as Rohit loses his parents in under mysterious circumstances. Rohit suspects his step-mother, Maya's (Garima Agarwal) involvement in his father's death. Despite Maya`s opposition, Rohit marries Simran, and they go to Shimla for their honeymoon where yet again strange occurrences disturb their peace, leading Simran to reveal a shocking secret from her past, which shakes everyone to the core. What is this secret, and how does it impact their lives?
Movie Profile
Love Is Forever
Release Date
10 Jan 2025
, ,
2 hrs 5 mins
Synopsis :
Star Cast
Soft Touch Entertainment