Main Khiladi Tu Anari is an action-comedy drama that revolves around an honest Police Inspector, Karan Joglekar (Akshay Kumar), the younger brother of Arjun, who was killed by a drug lord and gangster named Goli (Shakti Kapoor). Karan is determined to avenge his brother’s death and bring justice to him. However, things take a turn when he comes across the most romantic actor of Bollywood, Deepak Kumar (Saif Ali Khan), who is bored with his typecast roles of a romantic hero and wants to try his hand as an action hero, thus he wants to observe Karan to add realism in his acting. Being on a deadly mission to bring down a dreaded criminal, Karan usually indulges in a lot of action, with Deepak mostly causing more trouble for him. Eventually, the two become friends and join hands to capture Goli. It is still to be found, will Karan and Deepak succeed in their mission?
Movie Profile
Main Khiladi Tu Anari
Release Date
23 Sep 1994
Synopsis :
Star Cast
Domestic Box Office Collection (Crores INR)