Muskurahat is a comedy drama. The movie revolves around a young lad named Pritam (Jay Mehta), who works as a guide in Ooty and spends most of his time with his friend Jaggan (Annu Kapoor), a photographer. Pritam falls in love with a beautiful girl named Nandini (Revathi), who comes on vacation to Ooty. She makes Jaggan and Pritam’s life hell with her tantrums, until Jaggan finds out that she is the patient who ran away from the asylum, and understands that she is mentally ill. They try to send her back to her family, but get no success. Thereafter, they find out that she is the estranged daughter of a retired judge living in Ooty. Her father’s family didn’t allow her to meet him and sent her to asylum. Will Pritam and Jaggan be able to help Nandini to meet her father?
Movie Profile
Release Date
30 Oct 1992
Synopsis :
Star Cast