Phool Aur Angaar is an action drama. The movie revolves around an honest man named Vijay Saxena (Mithun Chakraborty), who lives a middle-class lifestyle with his sister Sweety (Sanam). He joins a college as a professor and meets Sudha (Shantipriya) in the college and the two fall in love. Sometime later, he helps Sudha from the molesters, but becomes the target of the criminals himself, who are after him and might ruin his life. Sweety is molested and killed and Vijay is framed for her death. Vijay pleads during the trial that he is innocent and could never kill his own sister, but it is of no use. Will he ever be able to prove his innocence and get the real culprits punished for their heinous crime?
Movie Profile
Phool Aur Angaar
Release Date
02 Apr 1993
Synopsis :
Star Cast