Rocket Gang is a musical horror comedy drama that revolves around a group of five friends who set out on a trip but are made to halt for the night at a haunted mansion called Wonder Villa. To unwind themselves and prove that ghosts do not exist the group of friends play planchet and try to establish contact with the dead. Accidently they get in touch and call a group of spirits who were once school boys and were known as a dance group called the Rocket Gang. The Rocket Gang who wanted to win a dance competition unfortunately die in a freaky road accident. To fulfil the desire of the slain Rocket Gang, the team regroups and practices to dance and re-enter the dance competition that former wanted to participate and win. Will the team be able to fulfil their dreams?
Movie Profile
Rocket Gang
Release Date
11 Nov 2022
, ,
2 hrs 20 mins
Synopsis :
Star Cast
Zee Studios
Domestic Box Office Collection (Crores INR)