Bindiya Chamkegi is a romantic comedy family drama which revolves around a young man named Shyam Kapoor (Vinod Mehra), who lives a wealthy lifestyle with his sister Shalu (Shoma Anand). Shyam wishes to get his sister married soon; however, Shalu wants Shyam to get married first and have someone to look after him. Shyam does not wish to get married since he was cheated by a woman, as he despises women and relationships. However, he gives up to his sister’s wish and brings home a woman named Bindiya (Rekha) and claims her to be his wife. Thrilled Shalu gives her consent for marriage now, but little does she know that Bindiya is paid to pose as Shyam’s wife. What does fate hold for Shalu, Bindiya and Shyam?
Movie Profile
Bindiya Chamkegi
Release Date
20 Jan 1984
Synopsis :
Star Cast