Dil Ka Kya Kasoor is a musical romantic drama. The movie follows the story of an orphan named Arun Kumar (Prithvi), who lives an impoverished lifestyle in a hostel room. Arun is a talented singer and often performs in college shows. A girl in his college named Shalini (Divya Bharti) falls in love with Arun, and starts to write poems under the pseudonym Seema for Arun and motivates him to sing those songs. Arun soon becomes popular and wealthy. Things get complicated when Arun’s mentor dies an untimely death, so he marries his lone daughter Meena (Sanam). After sometime, Arun finds out the real identity of Seema. However, between Shalini and Meena, whom will he choose now?
Movie Profile
Dil Ka Kya Kasoor
Release Date
31 Jan 1992
Synopsis :
Star Cast