Hum Bhi Insaan Hain is an action crime drama. The movie revolves around a ruthless man named Dharampal (Kader Khan) and his family, which consist of his wife, his older daughter Radha (Jayaprada) and his younger daughter Rekha (Neelam Kothari). When Rekha falls in love with a laborer Bhola (Sanjay Dutt), Dharampal couldn’t resist it, and frames Bhola for the rape of his daughter and forces Rekha to testify against him. Dharampal couldn’t tolerate anyone who dares to stand against him. Kishan (Jackie Shroff), Radha’s former lover, decides to stand up to Dharampal. The question remains, will Kishan be able to teach Dharampal a lesson?
Movie Profile
Hum Bhi Insaan Hain
Release Date
23 Jun 1989
Synopsis :
Star Cast