Jawaab is a romantic thriller drama. The movie revolves around a man named Ramprasad (Raj Babbar), a singer, who helps a journalist and gets a gangster named Seth Jagmohan (Danny Denzongpa) arrested and imprisoned for 2 years. However, sometimes later, Ramprasad starts to get threatening phone calls, so under witness protection, Ramprasad and his family get new names and new identities. Seth Jagmohan manages to track them, but Ramprasad again changes his identity, and this continues to happen for some time, until Ramprasad gets fed up of changing his identity and religion, and decides to confront Jagmohan. It is to be found, will Ramprasad succeed in ending the terror of Jagmohan?
Movie Profile
Release Date
19 Jul 1985
Synopsis :
Star Cast