Kaash… is a romantic drama. The movie revolves around a successful Bollywood actor, Ritesh (Jackie Shroff), who lives a wealthy lifestyle with his wife, Pooja (Dimple Kapadia), and a seven-year-old daughter Romi. The actor turns into a producer, and starts producing films. However, after a series of box office flops, he incurs a huge loss and is forced to sell all his personal properties. Pooja works several jobs to make the ends meet, while Ritesh becomes alcoholic, which leads to constant fights and arguments, which affects Romi a lot. Later, the two decide to separate, but Romi couldn’t take it, things get worse when they learn that their daughter is suffering from brain cancer. Will the two finally reunite and mend their differences for the happiness of their daughter?
Movie Profile
Release Date
04 Sep 1987
Synopsis :
Star Cast