Machine is a romantic suspense action thriller that revolves around two racing enthusiasts Sarah (Kiara Advani) and Ransh (Mustafa Burmawalla). They meet each other at a car race event and Sarah loses to Ransh in the car race. The two bond after the death of Sarah’s friend and lover Aditya (Eshan Shanker), and they fall in love with each other. Their love gets stronger and they soon get married. However, post their marriage new things start to unfold when Sarah gets thrown off the cliff and is killed by Ransh. However, Sarah is saved by Aditya’s lookalike brother who gets together to try and find out why Ransh did all this for acquiring her property or there’s something else to the mystery.
Movie Profile
Release Date
17 Mar 2017
, , ,
2 hrs 28 mins
Synopsis :
Star Cast
Abbas - Mustan Films Production Pvt. Ltd.
Domestic Box Office Collection (Crores INR)