Raakh is an action crime drama. The movie follows the story of a young man named Amir (Aamir Khan), who falls in love with a much older woman Neeta (Supriya Pathak), who likes him but doesn’t have any romantic feelings for him. One day, Neeta is molested by a criminal Hassan Karmali (Homi Wadia) and his goons, while Amir watches them helplessly. Amir is devastated with this, and vows to take revenge. He doesn’t know that an off-duty Police officer (Pankaj Kapur) was also the witness of this. Later, the officer comes to Amir’s aid and helps him to train, so as to fight with the dangerous criminal Karmali and his men. Will Amir succeed in setting the scores right with Karmali?
Movie Profile
Release Date
21 Apr 1989
Synopsis :
Star Cast