Sharmaji Namkeen is a family comedy drama about a middle-class 58-year-old widower named B.G. Sharma (Rishi Kapoor / Paresh Rawal) who lives in West Delhi. One fine day, Sharmaji finds himself being laid off by the company where he worked all his life. He is relegated to lead a retired life to face many prejudices with limited knowledge and only ends up by getting in the way of his two young son’s lives. The only solace he finds is when he is in the kitchen preparing food until one day, he happens to connect with a bunch of women who help him realize his dream of serving food to others. What follows is a series of hilarious events that turn Sharmaji into super chef Sharma, as he overcomes his own as well as society’s prejudices, on his way to make life more meaningful.
Movie Profile
Sharmaji Namkeen
Release Date
31 Mar 2022
, ,
1 hrs 59 mins
Synopsis :
Star Cast
Excel Entertainment, Macguffin Pictures