Wafadaar is a comedy romantic drama. The movie revolves around a young man named Ranga (Rajinikanth), who is loyal to his master, Daya Sagar (Anupam Kher). Ranga is in love with a girl named Chanda (Vijayta Pandit); however, her parents disapprove of Ranga, as they assume him of having an affair with Sita (Padmini Kohlapure), daughter of a wealthy tycoon. Later, Daya Sagar asks Ranga to get married to Sita, to which he agrees. However, Ranga is unaware of Daya Sagar’s evil plans. Will Ranga be able to realise the truth? What will happen to Chanda; will she be able to bear the pain of separating from her lover?
Movie Profile
Release Date
19 Jul 1985
Synopsis :
Star Cast