Known as the Clint Eastwood of India, Feroz Khan was an actor, producer, editor and director who was famous for his debonair and stylish looks. He made his screen debut in a small supporting role in the 1958 film Didi but it was the lead in Reporter Raju in 1962 which brought him into the limelight. After delivering some excellent performances in films like Arzoo, Aadmi Aur Insaan, Aag, Safar and Mela in the 60's he turned director with Apradh in 1972. Thereafter, he acted in several successful western hits like Khotte Sikkay, Kaala Sona and Kacche Heere and directed some well-known thrillers like Dharmatma, Qurbani, Janbaaz, and Dayavan. His brothers are actors Sanjay Khan and Akbar Khan while his son is actor Fardeen Khan.
Celebrity Profile
Feroz Khan (Feroze Khan) (Actor, Editor, Director)
Other Name
Clint Eastwood of India
Real Name
Zulfiqar Ali Shah Khan
Date of Birth
25 Sep 1939
Date of Death
27 Apr 2009
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About Celebrity :
Filmography :
Star Cast (19)
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