Aaj Ka Arjun is an action crime drama. The movie follows the story of a man named Bheem (Amitabh Bachchan), who was orphaned at a young age and leads a poor lifestyle, and takes care of his only sister Laxmi (Raadhika). When Raadhika falls in love with Ajit (Rishabh Shukla), son of Thakur Bhupendra Singh (Amrish Puri), Bheem gives his blessings to the couple and gets the two married. Sometime later, Ajit relocates to his father’s residence, leaving Laxmi behind, when Bheem goes to find him, he is humiliated, and later Ajit kills Laxmi. Bheem vows to avenge his sister’s death and also bring justice to all those who have faced the wrath of Thakur. Will Bheem succeed in his mission?
Movie Profile
Aaj Ka Arjun
Release Date
10 Aug 1990
Synopsis :
Star Cast