Dil Hai Ke Manta Nahin is a romantic comedy drama. The movie revolves around a young girl named Pooja Dharamchand (Pooja Bhatt), the daughter of a rich shipping tycoon. Pooja wishes to marry a movie star named Deepak (Sameer Chitre), but her father is against their match. Thus, she elopes to be with Deepak, but meets a loud mouth journalist, Raghu (Aamir Khan). Raghu convinces Pooja to let him cover her story in exchange for his help to unite her with Deepak. However, the two miss their bus, and then begin their adventure together. The two eventually fall in love with each other, but due to some misunderstandings, Pooja assumes that he was just looking for a story. Will Pooja be able to see Raghu’s love for her and unite with him?
Movie Profile
Dil Hai Ke Manta Nahin
Release Date
12 Jul 1991
Synopsis :
Star Cast