Hum Hain Rahi Pyar Ke is a romantic comedy drama. The movie revolves around a young man named Rahul Malhotra (Aamir Khan), who is a caretaker of a garment company. He takes care of his deceased sister’s mischievous kids - Sunny, Munni and Vicky, but finds it difficult to control them. One day, the children escape and go to carnival, where they meet Vyjayanti (Juhi Chawla), the daughter of a South Indian businessman, who has run-away from her house. The kids decide to shelter Vyjayanti in their house without Rahul’s consent and hide her from him. However, when he finds out about her, he agrees to appoint her as kids’ governess after seeing their love for her. It is still to be found, whether Vyjayanti’s arrival will bring some changes in the kids and make them more grateful to their uncle for his sacrifices?
Movie Profile
Hum Hain Rahi Pyar Ke
Release Date
23 Jul 1993
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Synopsis :
Star Cast