Its Entertainment is a romantic comedy-drama that revolves around Akhil Lokhande (Akshay Kumar), a failure and underdog. Akhil is in love with Sakshi (Tamannaah), a television actress, but Sakshi’s father doesn’t approve of the match as he wants her to marry some rich guy. Akhil’s life takes a turn when he finds out that his father is a rich diamond merchant who just passed away in Bangkok. Akhil immediately rushes to Bangkok to claim his newfound ownership of his dead father’s wealth. However, he finds out that the wealth was actually inherited by his father’s dog, Entertainment. Now, what does Akhil do, does he kill the dog or make him his friend?
Movie Profile
It's Entertainment
Release Date
08 Aug 2014
, ,
2 hrs 21 mins
Synopsis :
Star Cast
Pen India Pvt. Ltd., Tips Industries Limited
Domestic Box Office Collection (Crores INR)