Dil Tera Aashiq is a romantic comedy drama. The movie follows the story of a wealthy and influential man named Thakur Ranvir Singh Chaudhary (Anupam Kher), who cuts all ties with his sister Radha after she marries a poor man. However, after Radha’s death, the responsibility of her children - Vijay (Salman Khan), Bittu and Gudiya falls on him. A young girl named Soniya (Madhuri Dixit) is in desperate need of a job to support her sick mother, so she transforms herself as an old lady named Savitri, to be the governess of Bittu and Gudiya. Eventually, Vijay learns about Soniya and the two fall in love with each other. However, what will happen when Thakur learns about their truth?
Movie Profile
Dil Tera Aashiq
Release Date
22 Oct 1993
Synopsis :
Star Cast