Satyamev Jayate is an action crime drama. The movie follows the story of an honest young police officer, Arjun Singh (Vinod Khanna), who is known to lose his temper on the criminals, due to which he is frequently transferred. After the death of a criminal in Arjun’s custody, he is transferred to a small town, and he even loses his love, Vidya (Anita Raj) who marries the lawyer, Kaul (Anupam Kher). Later, he finds solace with the prostitute, Seema (Meenakshi Seshadri). Kaul fights the case of the criminal who died under the custody of Arjun, as he wishes to frame Arjun for the death and save a dreaded criminal Bagga (Shakti Kapoor), who works for powerful politicians. Will Arjun be able to deal with this conspiracy and prove his innocence?
Movie Profile
Satyamev Jayate
Release Date
19 Jun 1987
Synopsis :
Star Cast